The Salas Law Firm provides ethical and, when necessary, aggressive tax help remedies to all of your tax and creditor issues. We firmly believe that the most effective and efficient way to deal with a tax problem is to do so in an informed, proactive and professional manner. We have created many strategies for businesses and individuals, offering the most practical and cost-effective paths to recovery.

Dealing with the IRS is a difficult area of law. Many Taxpayers faced with the dilemma of what to do about an overwhelming tax liability tend to blame others for their present problems. However, rather than continuing to blame former partners, divorced spouses, the IRS, and others for their predicament, the Taxpayer needs to take affirmative steps.

An introductory meeting to visit the office and meet the staff is free, but will not include substantive discussions about the tax problems or advice about what to do and possible alternatives.

Shortly after our introductory meeting, we will determine your potential as a candidate for an Offer in Compromise (OIC). We will thoroughly review your financial situation to determine if an OIC is feasible for you. If it is, we will estimate the potential savings and terms that the IRS may accept. If you are not a candidate for an OIC acceptance, we will suggest other means of seeking a resolution with the IRS. Our fee for this thorough analysis generally ranges from $250 to $500, depending on the complexity of your case.

After we complete the initial analysis and examine your eligibility for an OIC, you may proceed on your own with the IRS or hire our firm to prepare your OIC and fully represent you throughout the process allowing us to negotiate with the IRS OIC Specialist until a compromise is made. Our representation will require and initial retainer of $1500.00 and the total cost of services will range from $1,250 to $3,000.

For immediate help contact The Salas Law Firm at (970) 797-2519 to schedule an appointment for your free and confidential consultation

The Salas Law Firm LLC is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Attorneys - Family in Fort Collins CO