Tired of wage garnishments, collections and harassing phone calls? Not sure which way to turn? The Salas Law Firm can help.

Pick up the phone today and call to set up a FREE appointment.

Get control of your life and end the nightmare of endless debt.

There are many reasons people file for consumer bankruptcy but the common thread is financial stress. Stress caused by wage garnishments, credit card debt, divorce, medical bills, or loss of employment. If you feel that you are at the end of your financial rope, The Salas Law Firm can help you restart your life.

Stop Wage Garnishment

Filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 enacts an automatic stay, which means that creditors are not allowed to take any further action against you to collect the debt owed to them. This includes wage garnishments. If your wages are being garnished at the time you file bankruptcy, you can contact both the creditor garnishing your wages, and your employer, to notify them that you have filed bankruptcy. Once notified, they are required by law to cease the garnishment action. The automatic stay, however, does not apply to child support and alimony garnishments.

Chapter 7

If you are struggling to catch up on credit cards, medical bills, payday loans and other unsecured debts despite your best efforts, Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be an option for you.
We can help you determine whether you are eligible to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy and how filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy may help you be excused from your credit cards and other unsecured debts. Let us visit with you and we’ll explain in more detail how Chapter 7 bankruptcy may work for your situation.

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy often provides a solution for people who are facing short-term financial setbacks like job loss, illness, or large unexpected expenses.

For immediate help contact The Salas Law Firm at (970) 797-2519 to schedule an appointment for our free and confidential consultation

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